Kefir diet for 7 days: menu, performance, reviews.

The use of kefir to get rid of excess weight

As you know, being overweight is a problem that many people face. And in the fight for the perfect body, a variety of methods are used, including specially selected training, nutritional correction, massage and cosmetic procedures.

What to do if you need to get rid of extra pounds quickly? Kefir diet, designed for 7 days, is considered a very effective way to lose weight. According to reviews, such a diet helps to quickly reduce weight. Is it really that easy? The answer to this question interests many people.

What is a kefir diet for 7 days? Cons and advantages, possible difficulties and problems - this is important information that should not be ignored.

Basic properties of kefir. Benefits of the diet

Kefir is a healthy drink that is recommended to be included in the daily diet.

As you know, kefir is a very useful product. Nutritionists and doctors recommend including it in your daily diet, because drinking an acidic and tasty drink will have a beneficial effect on the work of almost all organs, in particular the digestive ones.

Before embarking on a diet, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the main properties of kefir:

  • As you know, the composition of the product contains live strains of beneficial lactic acid bacteria. Its regular use helps to normalize the qualitative and quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora.
  • Kefir improves intestinal motility and is an excellent prevention of constipation.
  • It has been proven that this product enhances the production of gastric juice, which, consequently, normalizes the digestion processes.
  • Due to the normalization of the microflora, kefir strengthens the body's defenses and improves the functioning of the immune system.
  • Also, regular use of the product helps rid the body of excess fluid, improves kidney function.
  • Kefir helps remove undigested food from the intestines.
  • The product helps reduce the severity of allergy symptoms, which, again, is associated with a beneficial effect on the immune system.
  • Regular consumption of fermented milk products improves the condition of the skin, prevents the formation of acne, has a positive effect on the organs of vision, prevents the appearance of edema.

As you can see, kefir is a really useful product. It should not only be consumed during the diet, but also included in the daily diet.

How to choose a product?

Are you planning to stick to the basics of the kefir diet? For 7 days, kefir will become your main dish. That is why it is so important to choose a really useful and high-quality product.

As you know, kefir is sold in any store. But it should be understood that this product must contain a sufficient amount of lactic acid bacteria. That is why when choosing kefir, you should definitely pay attention to its shelf life. If it is allowed to be stored for several weeks, this means that various preservatives and antibiotics are added to the product, which negatively affects the properties of kefir. Products with a short shelf life are much more useful. In any case, kefir is unlikely to keep in your fridge for very long.

During the purchase, it is worth looking at the percentage of fat content of kefir. For a diet, a one percent product is suitable. By the way, its calorie content is low - in 100 g of the product there is no more than 40 kcal.

Of course, you can cook kefir yourself. A natural product is always much more useful. Naturally, self-made kefir will be much higher in calories; in this case, it can and should be diluted with purified, digested and cooled water in a 1: 1 ratio.

How to prepare the body for the transition to a diet?

The diet requires the preparation of the body by gradually adding kefir to the diet.

A kefir diet can give very good results. 7 days - 10 kg less. However, such a change in diet is stressful for the body. It is very important to properly prepare for the diet. This will help it move more easily and not break it.

Preparation takes an average of one week. It is necessary to gradually reduce the caloric content of the daily diet; should not exceed 1200-1400 kcal. The menu in this case is extremely simple:

  • You can have breakfast with porridge to taste, but boiled in water. You can drink tea. Brown sugar and fructose are allowed.
  • As a snack, you can use kefir - one glass will do.
  • For lunch, it is recommended to eat a light vegetable soup. The second course is baked or boiled meat and salad.
  • About 2 hours after dinner, it is recommended to drink another glass of kefir.
  • Ideally, dinner should consist of steamed fish or other shellfish.
  • In the evening, it is allowed to drink another glass of kefir, as this will help to cope with the feeling of hunger.

Naturally, the list of products and dishes can be changed. But it is important to observe the diet, gradually reducing the amount of food consumed.

Rigorous methodology

Mono-diet only on kefir a strict method of losing weight for 3 days

The essence of the simplest version of the diet is to drink only kefir during the day. The recommended amount is 1-2 liters. Of course, you can only use a fat-free product. This is a rigid food system that is difficult to tolerate. That is why experts do not recommend sticking to it for more than 3 or 4 days in a row.

It should be understood that kefir alone is not able to saturate the body with a sufficient amount of minerals and other beneficial substances. Therefore, it is very important to take vitamin complexes during the diet; this will help prevent the development of anemia and beriberi.

There is another important point - you need to maintain the water balance. Remember that it is recommended to consume about 2-3 liters of clean water without gas per day. By the way, this rule must be followed both during the diet period and at any other time. This helps to improve the functioning of the body, improve the functioning of the kidneys, remove toxins from the body and slightly alleviate the feeling of hunger.

Kefir diet for 7 days from a star: menu and useful recommendations.

A weekly kefir diet can be supplemented with apples.

For people who follow the life and work of stars, it's no secret that the pop-jazz singer for a long time was the owner of a rather curvaceous figure. That is why the figure of her built from her has become a topic of conversation among fans. After some time, the famous singer adhered to a seven-day kefir diet, which, in fact, allowed her to lose those extra pounds.

The menu of such a diet is simple - you do not need to buy expensive products. The eating plan is designed for one week:

  • First day. You can eat 400g of potatoes (that's about five small potatoes). It must be boiled in uniforms and then cleaned. The daily diet should be supplemented with two glasses of low-fat kefir.
  • The second day is more difficult. The menu consists of half a liter of fat-free kefir and 200 g of fifteen percent sour cream (this is about 5-6 tablespoons).
  • On the third day, it is allowed to eat cottage cheese - the diet consists of 7-8 tablespoons. Of course, you must take a low-fat product. Do not forget about kefir - 500 ml per day.
  • On the fourth day, meat can be included in the diet, that is, boiled chicken breast. Half a kilogram of meat should be boiled without salt. As before, the menu is supplemented by 0. 5 liters of kefir.
  • The fifth day is often called a vitamin. It is allowed to eat about a kilogram of apples per day (in this case, it is better to take green fruits). If desired, apples can be replaced with grated fresh carrots (about 500 g). On this day, it is important to saturate the body with vitamins, fiber and other useful substances. The same 2 cups (0. 5 l) of fat-free kefir are included in the diet.
  • The sixth day, in fact, is discharge. Drinking kefir is allowed only - one liter per day.
  • The seventh day is the last and the most difficult. Only mineral water is allowed.

By the way, there is also no way, so a person can eat at any time of the day. The daily amount of products can be divided into several doses.

Kefir-buckwheat method and its features

Buckwheat with kefir the menu of one of the options for an effective diet for weight loss

There are many ways to lose weight fast. And the kefir and buckwheat diet is popular. A seven day dietary restriction really helps to improve the figure. Thanks to the use of cereals, the body receives enough nutrients and it is easier to cope with hunger.

So what does the kefir and buckwheat diet look like? The menu for 7 days is as simple as possible:

  • in the morning, you must first drink a glass of pure purified water (do not replace it with soda or coffee);
  • for breakfast, you can eat about 3-5 tablespoons of boiled buckwheat (in addition, a cup of green tea or coffee is allowed, but always without sugar);
  • lunch consists of a glass of yogurt;
  • lunch consists of buckwheat (the portion remains the same - no more than five tablespoons);
  • between lunch and dinner, they drink a glass of kefir;
  • dinner consists of a standard serving of buckwheat and a glass of kefir;
  • before bedtime, it is not recommended to use a fermented milk drink; it is better to replace it with a glass of clean water.

It is this diet that should be followed during the week. Buckwheat can be prepared in advance, but you can not use table salt, butter or sour cream, only cereal.

By the way, there is another variation of this diet. Its basis is still kefir and buckwheat, but cereals cannot be boiled. In the evening, you need to pour buckwheat with cold water; it will infuse until morning, after which it is ready to use. As before, you can not use salt and other additives. However, cereals infused with water can be eaten in unlimited quantities (although, as reviews of those who are losing weight testify, it is unlikely that you will be able to eat much). It is allowed to drink one liter of fat-free kefir per day. This will be your diet for the next week.

It is worth noting that such a scheme of power has some advantages. To begin with, it must be said that kefir and buckwheat are cheap and affordable products that can be purchased at any store.

This cereal is very useful for the body. Along with buckwheat porridge, the human body receives such important minerals as potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium. In addition, cereals contain vegetable proteins, rutin and other useful substances. Regular consumption of buckwheat improves the functioning of the intestines and other digestive organs. In addition, this product thins the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia.

soft menu

Four glasses of kefir during the day a gentle method to lose weight on a kefir diet

Many people decide to switch to a kefir diet for 7 days. There are, of course, drawbacks to such a system. And one of them is constant hunger and the discomfort associated with it. In addition, the "kefir" hunger strike is a great stress that not all organisms can withstand. That is why it is worth considering a more moderate nutrition system, which is much easier to follow. Take a look at the sample menu:

  • 7. 00 - you can drink tea, preferably green and of course without sugar;
  • 9. 00 - the first meal, consisting of 300 g of grated fresh carrots (you can season with vegetable oil, but, of course, in a small amount);
  • 11. 00 - 200 g of chicken breast without salt (it should be boiled or baked, but in no case should it be fried);
  • 13. 00 - a large apple and a glass of kefir;
  • 15. 00 - a boiled egg and kefir;
  • 17. 00 - you can have a snack with another apple, drink a glass of kefir;
  • 19. 00 - black raisins or prunes (about 100 g);
  • 21. 00 - a glass of kefir.

In this case, it is very important to follow the diet, eat at certain times of the day. This allows you to cope with hunger and disperse metabolism. By the way, such a diet allows you to refine your figure. Despite the fact that along with food the body receives a sufficient amount of nutrients, it is still recommended to take additional vitamins.

Other types of diet

In fact, there are a huge number of varieties of such a diet. Kefir diet menu for 7 days may vary. As already mentioned, cereals, vegetables, fruits and other low-calorie but healthy foods can be introduced into the diet.

A good variation is the apple kefir diet for 7 days. Reviews indicate that such a scheme allows you to lose from 4 to 10 kg per week (depending on the amount of excess weight). In this case, the daily menu consists of 1. 5-2 liters of kefir and 1. 5-2 kg of apples. As in the previous case, it is better to drink clean water in the morning. It is also allowed to drink green tea, however, without sugar. It is better to choose green, homemade apples (fruits of not too sweet varieties are suitable).

The so-called striped kefir diet is also popular. Its essence is simple: on the first day you can only drink kefir, and the next day - follow the usual diet. This diet can be followed for 2-4 weeks. By the way, reviews indicate that this diet is much better tolerated, because every other day it is unloaded.

In any case, such a drastic change in nutrition will have a positive effect on the figure - the kilograms will literally begin to melt before our eyes.

How to get off the diet?

Since the body does not receive enough nutrients during the diet, the metabolism slows down. If, after a week, you abruptly return to your usual diet, the lost kilograms will return again, and quite quickly.

That is why it is so important not only to prepare, but also to get off the diet. The caloric content of the diet must be constantly increased; this will allow the body to adapt and speed up the metabolism.

For another seven days after the end of the diet, you need to follow approximately the same diet as during the preparation. The volume of food is increased gradually, every day. Experts recommend for a while to refrain from using table salt (at least you can try to reduce its amount to a minimum). Of course, this can be replenished with other spices, as well as natural soy sauce.

It is allowed to drink coffee and tea, but it is advisable not to add sugar to it. Of course, if you want to maintain your figure, you need to carefully monitor your diet. It is important to reduce the amount of cakes, sugar, sweets, fatty and fried foods; this will help keep your figure in good shape. In fact, according to statistics, only 3-5% of those who lose weight manage to maintain their ideal body weight after going off the diet.

Contraindications: when should a diet of this type not be followed?

Many people are interested in questions about what results a kefir diet can provide for 7 days. Less 10 kg in a week is a very seductive result. However, this is a very strict food system that is not suitable for everyone. Also, for many people, a kefir diet (for 7 or 3 days) is simply contraindicated.

To begin with, it is worth noting that such a sharp change in nutrition is a great stress on the body. A kefir diet for 7 days can only aggravate a person's well-being during, for example, an infectious disease. Chronic inflammatory processes can also be attributed to contraindications. You must first cope with the disease and give the body time to fully recover.

A kefir diet (for 7-3 days) is unlikely to be useful to a person whose work is associated with intense physical exertion. Contraindications include gastric ulcer, various forms of gastritis, disorders in the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Of course, people with diabetes cannot follow such a diet, since fasting causes sudden changes in glucose levels. A similar diet for weight loss is also not recommended for patients with low blood pressure.

For a week, the kefir diet depletes the reserves of vitamins and minerals, so this diet should not be followed by people suffering from anemia and beriberi. And, of course, in no case should women lose weight in this way during pregnancy, as well as during lactation, since dietary restrictions affect the body of not only the mother, but also the child.

In any case, if you are going to follow the kefir diet for 7 days, you must first pass a medical examination and consult with a specialist.

Can a diet harm the body? Possible Side Effects

The result of losing weight with a kefir diet in a week is 10 kg of weight lost

We have already covered the basic principles of the 7 day diet. The menu and its possible variations, contraindications, rules for preparing for such a nutrition system are, of course, important information. But it should be understood that such a diet is potentially dangerous for the body.

As they say, losing weight themselves, the diet is sometimes difficult to tolerate. Due to a poor diet, a sharp slowdown in metabolism is possible, since the body, receiving an insufficient amount of nutrients, goes into an "energy saving" mode. Some people complain of intestinal problems. Sometimes there are violations of the stool, in particular, constipation.

Do not forget about the constant feeling of hunger, which is sometimes accompanied by discomfort and even pain in the abdomen. Many people note the appearance of severe headaches, which are also due to a hunger strike.

Reviews of the kefir diet for 7 days indicate that the appearance of physical weakness, tremors and other unpleasant sensations that are associated with a decrease in sugar levels in the body is quite possible. Some slimmers note that sometimes the weakness is very pronounced, even the appearance of dizziness and fainting.

It should be understood that if a sharp change in nutrition causes such unpleasant sensations, pain, fainting, then you should immediately stop the hunger strike. It is possible that other diets that are softer and less stressful for the body may suit you. In any case, too rapid weight loss negatively affects well-being. In addition, there is always the risk of stretch marks appearing on the skin.

There is another point that should not be ignored. Restriction in nutrition helps to cope with excess weight. But such a strong loss of kilograms affects the appearance of the skin - it becomes sagging, often covered with stretch marks (striae). Therefore, it is very important to carefully care for the skin during the diet, use special lotions, massage, etc.

Kefir diet reviews for 7 days. What results can you expect?

As you know, many people are trying in every way to get rid of excess weight. And a good option is a kefir diet for 7 days. Weight loss reviews confirm that such a diet allows you to achieve good and, most importantly, fast results.

Naturally, it should be understood that such a diet is not easily tolerated, even if buckwheat, fruits or other foods are added to the diet. That is why in no case should you change the diet so drastically: you must first prepare for the diet, gradually reducing the calorie content of the daily menu.

People who lose weight find that such drastic changes are often hard to bear. Reviews indicate that the diet is often accompanied by physical weakness (headaches sometimes occur) and, of course, hunger. However, after a few days, the discomfort disappears and the melted kilograms compensate for the short-term discomfort.

For some people, a 7-day kefir diet is ideal. 10 kg, sailing to nowhere, is the result that you can only rejoice. Many people who lose weight every 1-2 months fast on kefir; this helps improve the digestive system, cleanse the intestines and, of course, maintain body weight.

Of course, it is the kefir diet for 7 days that will help to get rid of excess weight quickly. According to reviews, 10 kg of weight loss is the real result of this nutritional technique. However, it is worth understanding that lost weight can quickly return. It is very important to adhere to the rules of rational nutrition and after leaving the diet. Also, physical activity, regular exercises, cosmetic procedures will be useful; this will help keep the body in very good shape and will also affect well-being.